"The temple was nice because I needed some peace and quiet and just a place to think. So it helped clear up my head a lot on things that I was thinking about. I have definatly learned that agency really is a blessing and without it the plan of God would not exist. So basically other people's agency affect you even when you don't want it to sometimes haha but it is a part of life's trials. Te quiero mucho"
"We are all brother's and sister's. As you said that I began to feel the spirit telling me that it is true. I thought of my own brother's and sister's and how much I love them and then applied it to the audience. As I looked at different faces and then compared them to the love that I have for my siblings I began to feel something for those people that I hadn't felt before. Right there I knew that each person on this Earth is my sibling. Of course our older brother is the perfect example for all of us but the words that you spoke changed the way that I view everyone now. I had a similar experience earlier this week when we were talking to a young man that was not a member of the church and didn't want to change but I felt that same love for him there as well. So what I learned is that everyone of us is a loved child of God and as humans we tend to put people under us. I a guilty of it as well at times but I am changing everyday and seeing the divine potential that we all have as sons and daughters of our beloved Heavenly Father"
"this past Friday we crossing the bridge over bangeter and we saw this lady crying and we said hi and she just ignored us so we kept riding but when we got to the church house we both were like we need to go back and talk to her. It turns out that she was just having a really bad day and needed someone to talk to. She was homeless and was pretty cold so elder Gee gave her his scarf and I gave her my hat and we gave her some gift cards to get food. It was a great experience getting to meet her."
"Well it is hard to keep doing missionary work because it is the Natural man inside of you not wanting to. We must constantly be putting down our Natural man to become disciples of Christ. I have been studying that recently so that I may learn how to be more humble because we all know that I could use some of that just got to keep working and the Lord will bless us."
"What I have learned this week is patience. One of the greatest examples of a person having patience is Joseph Smith when he was in Liberty Jail and was there for 6 months(I think that's right) but the Lord gives us all of the trials for us specifically because the specific trials we get are there to help us become like Christ. So as we learn patience we shall learn to endure all things and we must remember that this life is just a short time here on this Earth."